For some years now I been doing some graphic T-shirts with a local motorcycle shop. The shop's name is Mile Zero out on Vancouver Island. I’ve got to know the owner, who’s a good guy. It’s a classic motorcycle shop, not a soulless chain/branch operation. I own a Suzuki which was purchased through the shop. Loving motorcycles since childhood, I offered some of my drawings as possible T-shirts to the shop. For the love of it, here are some of what has been done. That’s Mile Zero motorsports in Ladysmith, BC - themilezero.com
As a kid, I did build a few model kits. It was there that I first fell in love with the box art and the diagrams that made up the instructions. When building a model I could explore the freshly opened box of pieces attached to the “tree”. Plus the sheet of decals to apply. Oh joy! Youthful ecstasy.
Later while attending an open house at the Alberta College of Art & Design I saw a number of technical renderings done by graduating students. I loved what I saw! Later while attending the ACAD, I encountered many alternate influences. The combination of design & art still informs my work to this day.